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特に医療機器を用いた治療領域での医療専門職であり、また病院各部門に使用されている医療機器の総合管理を行う医療機器管理室でのマンパワーでもあります。この臨床工学技士法が制定され、30 年となる現在、医療機器に支えられた現代医療に欠くことのできない医療安全と医療技術の向上に寄与する職種となっています。


我が国の医療提供体制は医師、看護師、薬剤師、臨床工学技士等による専門職連携を基本としたチーム医療が一般的となっており世界的に高く評価されているところです。公益社団法人日本臨床工学技士会では、国際交流委員会を設置し、欧米等での関係国際学会やISO関連会議への参加、各国のClinical Engineer との交流、ASEAN や中国への技術支援を行っており、特に新興国から日本の臨床工学技術へのニーズが寄せられております。




川崎 忠行

Clinical engineering in Japan is the only national qualification system in the world that allows the assistance of clinical treatment such as the operation of life support management equipment by combining medicine with engineering knowledge and skill under the direction of a physician.

A clinical engineer is a medical professional in the area of treatment, especially using medical equipment, and is also the manpower in the medical equipment management section that comprehensively controls the medical equipment used in a hospital. Thirty years have passed since the Clinical Engineers Act was enacted and clinical engineering has become an essential occupation that contributes to improving medical safety and medical technology that is indispensable for modern medicine supported by medical equipment.

In recent years, as the globalisation of medical technology has progressed, the demand for medical equipment has rapidly increased in emerging and developing countries, but the technical level for proper managing and maintaining of medical equipment is still low. Moreover, the education and training of maintenance personnel for medical equipment is extremely inadequate

Team medicine based on professional cooperation between physicians, nurses, pharmacists, clinical engineers, etc. is a common medical provision system in Japan and it is highly regarded throughout the world.

The Japan Association for Clinical Engineers established an international committee and it performs activities such as participating in relevant international academic conferences and related ISO meetings, engaging the Clinical Engineers of overseas and technical support to ASEAN nations and China. In doing so, the needs for clinical engineering technology are gathered especially from emerging countries.

These activities are consistent with our government policy of “Expanding the global development of Japanese pharmaceuticals, medical devices, medical technology and medical services according to the needs of emerging and developing countries, etc.” and also contribute to strengthening the international competitiveness of Japan’s excellent medical device industry.

Therefore, to further enhance international activities, we have established the “Clinical Engineering Global Promotion Foundation” with the participation of external experts, global human resources, the medical equipment industry etc. in order to contribute to the improvement of health and medical care through the dissemination of clinical engineering skills with clinical engineers as the human interface of medical equipment and life sciences in various countries around the world.

I would greatly appreciate your understanding of the aim of the establishment, and would ask you for your further support.

Clinical Engineering Global Promotion Foundation
Tadayuki Kawasaki


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